Investigating the complaint

Investigating the complaint

  1. We will acknowledge the complaint within seven days.
  2. We will conduct a full investigation and an independent review of the matter.
  3. We aim to respond in full within 58 days. However, if the complaint is of a more complex nature we will require more time but we will let the complainant know when they will receive a full response.
  4. We will reply to the complainant, usually in writing to tell him/her of our views on the complaint and how we propose to resolve it, hopefully to the complainant’s satisfaction – including appropriate redress – this could include a reduction in fees if appropriate, compensation or a gesture of goodwill.
  5. If the complainant is dissatisfied with the outcome, or the way the complaint has been handled, the complainant may write to the Client Care Director who will make such further investigations as are necessary.
  6. The Client Care Director will inform the complainant of the conclusions and any alternative proposals to resolve the complaint, usually within 28 days of this being referred to him/her.
  7. If still unresolved at this stage, the complainant may take their complaint to the Legal Ombudsman, you will have to bring your complaint to the Legal Ombudsman within 6 months of receiving a final response from us about your complaint and 6 years from the date of the act or omission giving rise to the complaint or alternatively 3 years from the date you should reasonably have known there are grounds for complaint (if the act/omission took place before 6 October 2010 or was more than 6 years ago).
  8. We will record and report centrally all complaints received from clients.
  9. We will identify the cause of any problems of which the client has complained offering appropriate redress and correcting any unsatisfactory procedures
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