If you are moving home or buying an additional property it is always good to shop around for a firm who has the best fees. However, when instructing a solicitor to carry out your conveyancing transaction you should always read the small print. Cheapest isn't always the best.
Some people can underestimate or end up paying more than expected if they did not read the small print. Some firms claim to have a fixed fee although their final bill will be substantially more than what was previously quoted to you.
In the small print of some firm's terms and conditions will be a list of potential added fees. These will include fees for a leasehold property, submitting stamp duty, mortgage fee, putting in hand indemnity policies etc. Don't get caught out by one of these firms. At Hennah Haywood Law we pride ourselves on transparent fixed fees, every client will be provided with a breakdown at the beginning of the transaction with all information that has been provided from them.