If you have multiple children but leave it to only one, or to a partner with the intention that they leave it to all of your children, those people that you didn’t leave it directly to would have to pursue it through the courts if there was any reason that the person that you left it to was unable to distribute it as you wished. If you leave it to an individual, they may intend to then give it on with your wishes, however, if they then come into difficult financial circumstances, this may cause it to go to those other than you intended. If the individual goes through a divorce or has difficulty with debt, the amount that you left them intending to be gifted on, can then be used to settle these obligations. This is because the money that you gave to them intending to be passed on is legally theirs to do with whatever they choose – they would therefore, also be expected to settle their obligations with it too. Whilst this is not the intention of the person you intended it to go to, this can then lead to those other people receiving nothing.
I don’t need to include anything special in my Will, I just want to leave it to one person who I know will give it to who I want to/look after it for someone else
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